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Q: If hachi is number eight and bee, how do you tell the difference between the translations? – D

A: Very good question! And this is the main reason that kanji is still around, you tell the difference because they have difference kanji! 八 (8) or 蜂 (bee).

Now in everyday conversation you can tell that someone isn’t saying “I’d like bee pints of beer please” or “Wow, I just got stung by an eight!” but in science and other fields it can get very confusing and hence kanji is still important as it’s very often the best way to avoid any confusion.

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у кого хоть частями совпадает? :gigi:

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Поздравляю с 8 марта!!!
Happy the 8th of March!!!
Sveikinu su kovo 8-ąja!!!

До обеда я отдыхала. Потом работала и училась..
I've been resting all morning until afternoon. Then I had to work and study.
Aš ilsėjausi visą rytą iki pietų. O poto dirbau ir mokiausi.

Получила много поздравлений, конфет и цветов. Спасибо!!! Я счастлива!!!
今日おめでとうとお菓子と花がたくさん貰いました。 どうもありがとうございました! 楽しかった!!!~~♥
I received a lot of congratulations, sweets and flowers. Thank you so much! I am sooo happy!!!
Gavau daug sveikinimų, saldainių bei gėlių. Ačiū labai! Aš tokia laiminga!!!

Еще! もっと!~ More! Dar!

I have a midterm test on Thursday ... I can't believe it's already happening... And the exam is veeeryy soon.. and I am not extraordinary prepared yet :weep:
so it means: study study study study!!!!!!!!

Короче говоря.. надо дописать письмо и идти спать. и завтра заниматься весь день.
Хочу пожаловаться- уже недоело( некогда полениться прям. то работа, то учеба... что такое?! -_-

Еще раз, с праздником! :wine:
и.. спокойной ночи.


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Пришло письмо из Манчестера! йей -)))


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Доброе утро!!! :heart:

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На этих выходных работаю :weep:
На ногах с 9 утра...

Щас хоть работы немного, так домашку по японскому делаю... в понедельник урок-)
надо учиииить много новых слов(



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Сегодня на его концерте была.

Ваще... он молодец) харизма у него хороша) и вообще, мне понравилось).


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Your car is Japanese. Your vodka is Russian. Your pizza is Italian. Your kebab is Turkish. Your democracy is Greek. Your coffee is Brazilian. Your movies are American. Your tea is Tamil. Your shirt is Indian. Your oil is Saudi Arabian. Your electronics are Chinese. Your numbers Arabic, your letters Latin. And you complain that your neighbour is an immigrant? Pull yourself together!


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Только закончила смотреть-) блин, на таком интересном моменте, каки, закончили!!!
теперь придется скачивать первую серию 4 сезона, чтобы удовлетворить свое любопытство!



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Since they are first, who accepted me, and started providing me information, I decided to do some research on them.
So this post will be only about Leeds and its University. I am going to update it from time to time.
hmm, I also thought, this info might be interesting for you too.

What is in the brochure?
Some nice photos. Some pieces of advice. Some things to consider.

What do they include in my apartments rent?
★Energy costs (heating, lighting, and hot water);
★Insurance, to cover all my belongings;
★Internet access;
★Edge Club sports membership: swimming pool, indoor sports halls, 200 station fitness suite, 3 dedicated class studios, squash courts, climbing wall, outdoor pitches. (WOW!!!)
Is this going to be studying or a vacation? xD

I am overexcited so far!!! All I need, is to pass IELTS exam with an overall band score of 7.0...

Tomorrow I am going to locate their websites to do some more research.


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University of Leeds прислали мне Accommodation brochure по почте-)

I am overexcited :D


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ну что...
с приходом весны - перехожу на сыроедение. надеюсь, в шкелета не превращусь.



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I was accpeted to the University of Mancehster. Unconditionally. It means that I can agree and send documents at any time before the deadline.
Woow... Meanwhile, Leeds asks me to pass the IELTS exam with an overall band - 7.0 (which is quite a big deal)
Hmm but there is still no answer from Edinburgh.

Which should I choose?... :hmm:

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01.03.2011 в 17:04
Пишет  sir Arthur:

The Chaos (pronunciation training)
Well, my friends... Attention, please and try to concentrate now :). First of all I'll explain what means this text (see below). So... fasten your seat belts! ))

1. Bold show words that compare to one or more other words. Underline words are those that intermediate speakers of English will want to know.
2. The numbers in [ ] indicate the place in the audio file.

And don't ask me where I found it. I don't remember . And if you could only know how I'm tired to mark all these words!

P.S. Sorry for my mistakes (correct me please if you wish)

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Just DO it !
Change. If you cannot find reasons to be free, invent them.
And think seriously of finding another activity that is more like what you expect from life, more dignified, more human.

Just DO it !



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28.02.2011 в 16:22
Пишет  sir Arthur:

The Booby-traps of English Spelling
Думаю и надеюсь, что нижеследующее стихотворение поможет многим преодолеть некоторые подводные камни в английском.

I think you all already know
Of tough and bough and cough and dough,
Some may be baffled, but not you
By hiccough, thorough, tough and through.
Well done! And now you wish, perhaps,
To learn of less familiar traps?
Beware of heard, a dreadful word
That looks like beard and sounds like bird,
And bread; it's said like bed, not bead -
Misleading, isn't it, indeed!
Watch out for meat and great and threat -
They rhyme with suite and straight and debt.
A moth is not a moth in mother,
Nor both in bother or in brother.
And here is not a match for there,
Nor dear and fear for bear and pear.
And do and go and said and paid.
And close and come and Rome and some.
Just wait! The list has not been made.
A dreadful language? Every bit! So what's the use of learning it?
No learner would emerge alive!
Don't be afraid! You will survive.
I spoke it at the age of five! ;-)

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Just DO it !
Сегодня был урок японского. Классно.
今日は日本語のレッスンでした。 楽しかった。
I had the Japanese lesson today, it was fun.
Šiandien buvo japonų kalbos pamoka.

Уже процентов на 45% понимаю язык. Вот только с кандзи пока сложнее.
I think I understand the language, but I still have some trouble with Kanji.
Aš jau maždaug suprantu kalbą, tačiau dar gana sunkiai mokausi Kandži.

Но это терпимо)
But it's going to be fine.
Bet viskas bus gerai.

После урока пару часов отдохнула..
After the lesson I had some rest.
Po pamokos aš pailsėjau.

Щас буду готовиться к ИЕЛТС.
And now I am going to study for the coming IELTS exam.
Tuoj pradėsiu mokytis, ruoštis IELTS egzaminui.

Завтра уже весна.
It is already Spring tomorrow!
O rytoj jau pavasaris! :)))