
Just DO it !
Пишет  Neko no onna:
17.04.2011 в 01:01

sorry I am a bit late :] I hope you enjoy it.
any kind of comments are highly appreciated!

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Just DO it !
I woke up at 6:30 in the morning.

At about 8:15 I came to the Crowne Plaza hotel, where I found about 100 candidates waiting for the start of the registration.

The examination started at 9 a.m.

The only thing that I hate about the exam, is that it was extremely cold in the hall. It felt like I was back in my school years. There were always heating problems and we had to put our coats on.. but nobody would let us to take coats at the examination.. So everyone was shaking, but determined to survive all 3.5 hours.

The first one was the listening part - my favorite. It wasn't difficult for me. But some of my friends told me they had a problem doing a 'spelling' part. The man from the recording was speaking very fast - not everyone managed to get all the letters. Thank god I have a good memory for things that I hear and can replay it in my mind. (I have to say thanks for my musical education).

The second part - reading. The first passage was very interesting - it was actually difficult to resist reading it until the end. (It was called 'A man or a machine', about robots). But you have to know specific techniques to do these reading tasks. You will never be able to finish it in time, if you start normally reading passages. The only way to complete it duly - is scanning and skimming. I finished it 10 minutes earlier and had some time to relax.

The last part - writing. There were 2 writing tasks. The first one was a description of two pie charts about employees, who chose learning a foreign language. It was not difficult. The data was introduced in a normal, understandable way - there were no tricks.

Second part - an essay. 'It is believed, that rich countries should not hire skilled workers such as doctors, engineers and scientists from the poor countries because poor countries need them more. To which extent do you agree or disagree?' - it does not seem impossible. I disagreed and wrote 3 arguments to support my opinion. I didn't count how many words I wrote, but it looked like more than 250. And the task says: write at least 250 words. I completed this part 7 minutes earlier.

It was much more warmer outside, when I left the hotel! I think they really have to consider the temperature at the conference hall.

Well, anyway I am glad everything is finally over. I decided to collect my results from the British Council by myself. It seems more convenient than waiting it to arrive by post.

Now I have 2 reasons to wait for 29th of April.


Just DO it !

ну нравится она мне, даааа.
и думайте обо мне все, что хотите-)

Just DO it !
I was really nervous this morning.

I came to the Artis hotel at about 12:20. My interview was scheduled for 12:40.

Thank god I didn’t have much time to wait, because I really hate waiting..

After about 15 minutes a man came to the hall. He looked at me and said something that sounded strange and funny at the same time. I assumed he said my name. And I was right. Of course, on our way to the room of the interview he asked how to pronounce my name correctly. But when he started recording the interview, he had a problem pronouncing my surname.

We had to follow some instructions – I introduced myself one more time for the record.

Questions and the topic of the cue card were very simple. I had to talk about receiving and giving gifts. The discussion part was about visiting friends. It was quite unexpected. Of course it’s easy to discuss such things, but sometimes I felt I lacked ideas.. The main point of such examinations is to speak non stop. That’s what I’ve done.

The examinator was nodding to all my words and making a very funny face.

After leaving the room I was actually glad it was over.

I’ll know my results on my birthday – 29 April.

Writing parts are on Saturday. I need some revising to do.


Just DO it !


Just DO it !

Muse - Unintended

вот я и запела публично-)

Just DO it !
В общем, предупреждаю, видео бредовое) и сделано на скорую руку...
но не хотелось откладывать.

короткий ответ на комменарий  Ярика


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Just DO it !
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Just DO it !
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра

Just DO it !
Вот бывает скажешь человеку что-то не обычное, или сделаешь движение неловкое.. улыбнешься, потом забудешь)
И через какое-то время вспоминаешь - пусть через много лет - а чувства всё те же - так и хочется провалиться сквозь землю, или спрятаться, убежать))) какая-то незабываемая неловкость просто.



Just DO it !



Just DO it !
блииииин! моя посылка в Японию дошла за 5 дней!!!! НУ КАК ЭТО ТАК?!?!?!
От Кейтаро она шла до меня примерно 2 недели - вот я и отправила за 2 недели до его дня рождения!
А тут он мне сообщение написал.

жать, чтоб прочитать


Just DO it !
Я размножаюсь в социальных сетях. Не к добру это )))


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Just DO it !
Закрытая запись, не предназначенная для публичного просмотра


Just DO it !
Learning how to write by reading critics is like learning sex by mail (c) P.Coelho


Just DO it !
Let's tweet! ❤

Just DO it !

♫♫♫ Riders on the storm ♫♫♫

I have less than 2 weeks before the examination.
OMG it's so soon!
I have a final test on Tuesday.. and the last review on Thursday.
And that's it.

But I know I'll be fine.

@музыка: The Doors - Riders on the storm


Just DO it !
I'm overexcited.
I'm tired.
But I'm sooo incredibly happy.
I'm the luckiest person in the whole world.
I've just realised that.
I'm awesome.


Just DO it !
朝から英語を勉強しています。 疲れた。 :( 4月16日IELTSのテストがあります。

Just DO it !
When I was interned in Dr. Eiras Hospital, I began to have panic crises.
One day, I decided to consult the psychiatrist in charge of my case:

“Doctor, I am overcome by fear; it takes from me the joy of living”.

“Here in my office there is a mouse that eats my books”, said the doctor.
“If I get desperate about this mouse, he will hide from me and I will do nothing else in life but hunt him.
“Therefore, I put the most important books in a safe place and let him gnaw some others.

“In this way, he is still a mouse and does not become a monster.

“Be afraid of some things and concentrate all your fear on them – so that you have courage in the rest.”
